Jim Carrey got WOKE

After two weeks off and a day of rest, I’m back at it! Apologies for leaving you guys hanging, but I have a feeling that this blog is new enough that I didn’t leave any readers hanging. 😉 To start off, I’m going ease into the week with this video a friend of mine shared on… Continue reading Jim Carrey got WOKE

Using the Bandhas

Since we went over what the three main bandhas are yesterday, today we’re going to go over how bandhas can be useful in our practice and in life. The easiest way to explain how the bandhas are helpful in yoga is with crow pose, and the easiest way to get to crow is starting out… Continue reading Using the Bandhas

Yoga Sutra 8: Misconception

“Misconception occurs when knowledge of something is not based upon its true form.” The second modification of the mind is misconception. This is the anxiety sufferers reality, and in my opinion, one of the more common modifications in society today. Sri Swami explains this with a story. Imagine you go outside at dusk and see… Continue reading Yoga Sutra 8: Misconception

Yoga Sutra 5: Painful or Painless, Selfish or Selfless

“There are five kinds of mental modifications, which are either painful or painless.” Notice how Patanjali didn’t say these modifications are painful and pleasurable, simply painful and painless. Sri Swami explains that this is because some things that appear or start out as pleasurable can eventually bring us pain. For example, dating. One day you… Continue reading Yoga Sutra 5: Painful or Painless, Selfish or Selfless

Yoga Sutra 4: What do Raves and Yoga have in Common?

“At other times [the Self appears to] assume the forms of the mental modifications.” This is how Sri Swami translates Sutra 4. Sri Swami explains how this Sutra is sort of about Oneness. The easiest way to explain this is scientifically, I think. Everything on this planet, everything in this solar system is made up… Continue reading Yoga Sutra 4: What do Raves and Yoga have in Common?