Yoga Sutra 8: Misconception

“Misconception occurs when knowledge of something is not based upon its true form.” The second modification of the mind is misconception. This is the anxiety sufferers reality, and in my opinion, one of the more common modifications in society today. Sri Swami explains this with a story. Imagine you go outside at dusk and see… Continue reading Yoga Sutra 8: Misconception

Yoga Sutra 4: What do Raves and Yoga have in Common?

“At other times [the Self appears to] assume the forms of the mental modifications.” This is how Sri Swami translates Sutra 4. Sri Swami explains how this Sutra is sort of about Oneness. The easiest way to explain this is scientifically, I think. Everything on this planet, everything in this solar system is made up… Continue reading Yoga Sutra 4: What do Raves and Yoga have in Common?

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Happy Monday everyone! In class this weekend, we went over 29 of the Yoga Sutras and their meanings. We talked about them pretty extensively, but I'd like to start a list and eventually go over them each in detail. Here is a very basic translation of the meaning of Yoga Sutras. I hope to continue… Continue reading The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Yoga Sutra 2: Yoga is the Calming of the Mind-Stuff

Perspective is everything, don’t you think? A story: You are a young child, the doorbell rings and your mother asks you to get it. You get to the door and a big, tall man greets you. Your immediate thought is “Stranger danger!” You close the door and run to your mom. Your mom then opens… Continue reading Yoga Sutra 2: Yoga is the Calming of the Mind-Stuff

Yoga Sutra 1: Yoga is Now

For training class, we need to know the first two sutras, so at the very least I’ll go over those with you this week. The first sutra is “Atha Yogānuśāsanam,” but Sanskrit is an old, dead language so let’s break it down. *“Atha” means “now.” *“Yoga” means “Yoga.” *“Anuśāsanam” means “exposition or instruction.” So, if… Continue reading Yoga Sutra 1: Yoga is Now

Yoga Sutras

So many people ask me, “What is yoga?” and are surprised to hear that it’s more than just a bunch of poses that strengthen your core and help you get in a good workout. For many people, yoga is just part of an exercise routine. However, that’s not what yoga was created for and that’s… Continue reading Yoga Sutras

What’s Your End Game?

The whole point of yoga isn’t to get a good workout, the point is to get yourself closer to your Higher Power, closer to enlightenment. That being said, full enlightenment isn’t my end goal. My goal is to use the tools of yoga in order to find happiness on this planet, within this lifetime of… Continue reading What’s Your End Game?